Finally, a firm that is passionate about protecting fathers
There's no doubt that the legal system can be a difficult place for all parties, but in particular for men.
Great men and great fathers are having their lives torn apart by a complex system, including the Child Support system, that rewards one party for minimising the other parties relationship with their children.
Unlike other firms, we have made it our mandate to stand up for men while also lobbying change in this country. Choose Beck Law to stand up for your rights and the rights of other men going through a similar experience as you.
Client Testimonial
I was first introduced to Beck Law through a close friend who also had an amazing experience with them. Put simply, no other family law firm came close. These guys are a shining light in an industry that is so clouded with unfair treatment toward men.
Simon (Father of 3 Gold Coast)
What if you can't afford help?
For those men that can't afford legal representation, Cody Beck dedicates much of his free time to developing self help resources that help less fortunate dads to fight their own legal battles.
Cody is also the founder and leading force behind FATHERS.ORG.AU which is currently being established as an organisation that supports underprivileged dads.
Founder Cody Beck is an author and educator who is passionate about helping all men; no matter their circumstances.
For those who can afford legal representation;
They choose Beck Law because of what we stand for. While other lawyers simply 'bury their heads in the sand', ignoring the problems in the industry because they are not directly affected by them. Cody Beck says "NO", and fights every day to help all dads, while fighting for greater change in the industry.
or call 1300 BECK LAW
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The Beck Method

Cody Beck is changing the legal industry for the better. His vision is to remove the stigma that lawyers have adopted over years of treating clients poorly.
"To truly stand up for people’s human rights is what is means to be a lawyer, I'm sick of meeting lawyers who've forgotten that.
We believe that law is like chess, for our clients to be empowered to make the right decisions at each stage in the process they must understand the entire process and there must be a clearly defined strategy upfront with a variety of possible pathways based on their specific scenario and likelihood. We are on our client's side 100% and we put billings second always."

Beck Law identified a failure of the family law and domestic violence legal network to adequately represent the needs of fathers who were dealing with relationship separation and subsequent child access issues.
As our experience in this subject matter increased so has the demand for our services.
If you are looking for legal representation then download our INFO PACK today.
or call 1300 BECK LAW
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Anybody about to commence their legal journey should make sure they compare lawyers properly to find one that is aligned with their way of thinking. We encourage clients to reach out for a no obligation consultation to see if there is a fit.
or call 1300 BECK LAW
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"To truly stand up for people’s human rights is what is means to be a lawyer; I'm sick of meeting lawyers who've forgotten that".

At Beck Law, we don't use the term WIN because in the family court few truly ever WIN; it is about making sure that children get to see those that love them most. That is winning.