We are now over a month into the changes implemented into the Family Court and Federal Court circuits. The reform was implemented to reduce the confusion, costs and delays which many face when entering the process of Family Law.
“Commonwealth Attorney-General Michaelia Cash has described the new two-structure Court, which was widely opposed by members of the legal profession, as ‘an important moment in the Australian judicial system’s history’.
Beck Law are not opposed to any reform which attempts to simplify the process and ensure that justice can be decided in a more timely fashion with less delays and ultimately less emotional turmoil for our clients or their families.
Access to the full publication is at the footer of this article but what is interesting is the reference to Women’s Legal Services Australia opposing the reform and change. It is unfortunate that all too often mothers use the delays in the system to extort control or gain utilising children’s issues as a bargaining tool in the process. It is hard to see why any party involved in this process would not want a system which brings about a swifter resolution to dispute and allows families, especially children, to adjust to the new normal of family life after separation.
As a collective of legal professionals our primary aim is always to find the resolution to dispute which is fair; protecting the rights of both parents and the children whilst trying to identify the most efficient way of reaching this agreement. In the unfortunate situations when trials are required to resolve differences between parties we welcome the system trying to evolve with the demands of society to ultimately provide a better outcome for all involved.
You can read the full article here: https://www.themandarin.com.au/167762-ag-welcomes-merged-federal-circuit-and-family-court-of-australia/
If you are experiencing difficulties or delays with the process of Child Matters, Family Law, divorce or the separation of assets you can speak to one of our team using our contact form or by calling our offices Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm.