Have you been injured in a Motor Vehicle accident that was not your fault (even if your partner was at fault)? At your place of Work? Due to an Assault? Other accident that has caused you Injury?

Need a Lawyer or Solicitor due to a personal injury? Have you been injured:
In a Motor Vehicle accident that was not your fault (even if your partner was at fault)?
At your place of Work?
Due to an Assault?
Other accident that has caused you Injury?
Then you are entitled to damages! These can sometimes be quite substantial are designed to compensate you for many area’s of your life that you have suffered as a result of the accident. Your compensation is governed by the Civil Liability Act 2003 You may be eligible for:
General Damages – These are to compensate you for the “Pain and Suffering” that is caused by the event, and also the resulting loss of your ability to enjoy life to the fullest.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses – These are the costs that you have had to pay for Doctors, Medication and travelling to appointments. You may be compensated for these things both already paid and that you would have to pay for the rest of your life.
Economic Loss – This is compensation for both the loss you have suffered due to time off work already, as well as an amount for time off work into the future. These can often be quite substantial if, as a result of your injury you can no longer work in your trade or profession.
Care – This is compensation for the fact that, as a result of your injuries you may no longer be able to perform your usual duties around the house. This too can be quite substantial in your claim.
Please call us for a free initial consultation. One of our Solicitors will contact you and discuss any questions and concerns you have and provide guidance as to where to go from here.